Sunday, June 4, 2017

Artsy Partsy, Class 6, Art & Literature

Last Wednesday was our final art class for the Art & Literature session. I had hoped to sign both kids up for summer lessons but there isn't a class they can both attend at the same time and I don't want to drive up there several times in one day. So, I guess I'll have to come up with some art projects here at home for them to do.

Dakota's last art class was based around the book Hats Off To You by Karen Beaumont and their art was all about hats.

Their first job was to fill a white sheet of paper with different shapes. The paper they drew on was later cut to form a cute little party hat.

The next project was decorating a small paper hat. They got to choose from a huge assortment of beads, buttons, sequins, pompom's, stickers and jewels and add them to their hats however they wanted. 

The final project was choosing a little paper cut out person and some clothes to dress them. After they'd glued their clothes on to their person they got to choose two hats for them as well. They didn't glue the hats on but they had been cut so that they were interchangeable. 

I forgot to get a picture of Dakota's finished person but you can kind of see what she ended up with in the next's sticking out of the top of her party hat. She thought that was very cool! 

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April Fools Pranks

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