There were many times he'd stop me as I read to offer his thoughts on what was about to happen and that proved to me that he was understanding the story. He kept trying to figure out why Harry kept seeing a green light and why his scar would hurt as well as why Professor Snape didn't like Harry. His nearly seven year old self loved Hagrid and enjoyed when he gave Dudley a pigs tail. He thought it was funny that Hagrid carried around a little pink umbrella and that he he'd named a three headed dog Fluffy.
I told him that we'd watch the first movie together once we'd finished the book and I think that will be happening tomorrow night. He told me that as I was reading to him he was imagining all of the things I was saying in his mind. I told him that was the beauty of reading! I can't wait to see if what he saw in his mind is close to what the movie portrays.
We wont be starting book 2 any time soon but I do see reading it to him in the future. Tony said he wants to read The Hobbit with him and I have Wonder picked out for our next novel and I'm thinking I'll try to get Dakota to listen as well. I'm not sure she'd old enough but we'll try it out and see.
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