Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Mustangs in Training

Yesterday Harper, Dakota and I went to their elementary school for Mustangs in Training. It's basically a way to show incoming kindergarten children where their classrooms will be as well as a tour of the rest of the school. They showed them the office, health room, cafeteria, gym, music and art rooms as well as the playground. Harper was so excited to show Dakota around and was a little disappointed when the assistant principal did the guiding for him. 

Other than the tour the counselor read them a book about beginning school and then they drew a picture about how they felt about starting school and one way someone could make them feel ready to begin kindergarten. When they'd finished their papers the kids were given some time to run around on the playground before leaving.

Dakota said she is "happy" about starting school and the way we can help her feel ready for school is by "getting a hug from mom". 💘

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April Fools Pranks

The two little kids made me laugh yesterday morning.  I was upstairs getting things ready for school when I heard them talking about how ...