Sunday, September 24, 2017

Honeycomb Fan Blades

My mom can't come up here without doing some kind of home improvement project. We were busy making things for the wedding shower up until Sunday but once that was over we had some free time before she went home so we decided to give my dining room fan a make over. Mom had spruced up one of the fans at her house with some left over paint and a stencil and the project looked easy enough that we could finish it in no time...

I have a drawer full of stencils and we thought a polka dot design would be cute since I have polka dots on my curtains. The polka dot stencil I have has a slightly sticky backing so that it won't move while you paint over it but unfortunately it also removed the original paint and some of the "wood" from the fan blade when we pulled it off. No bueno.

So, we had to start all over again. I used my Cricut machine to cut out a bunch of circles on vinyl that we then stuck all over the fan blades. After a coat of paint we began to pry up some of the circles to see how it looked to find that it too was tearing up the fan blade. AHHHH! So much for simple.

My mom took the blades outside and sanded them down and we decided to just paint them white and put them back up. At least they'd look nice and clean again. But then, mom thought maybe we should just try laying a nonstick stencil down and lightly spray over it with spray paint. I said heck yeah (I wasn't worried, I figured if we destroyed the thing I'd just go buy new blades) and I chose my honeycomb stencil and off we went.

Can you see the design on the blades? I love how subtle it is. It's not something that draws your eyes up to it but if you happen to look up you can see these cute honeycomb blades.

There's a line about 3/4 down from the top on each blade and that's just where the stencil ended. It doesn't bother me, in case you're wondering. 

I love how it ended up turning out. We put some bright LED bulbs in there too since the old bulbs just weren't giving enough light and the insides of the bulbs have these yellow filaments that remind me of the stamens of flowers which kind of goes with the whole honeycomb thing. Haha! 

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