Thursday, October 4, 2018

Daisy Meeting #1, Talk It Up (9/28/18)

Our daisy scout meetings have changed to Friday nights this year and we had our first meeting last week. Dakota was really excited to be going back to scouts because she knows there will always be tons of fun things to do there. A few of the girls dropped from last year for various reasons so we've added a few junior girls as well as a few daisy "sprouts" to our group. The "sprouts" are younger sisters to a couple daisies and will become official daisies next year.  I'm co-leading this year as well, so that too is new. (Tony had to work late that evening so Harper had to attend with us but he was happy as a clam playing an iPad for an hour.) 

This weeks meeting was all about cookies. Our area is having cookie sales right now and we wanted the girls to get an idea about what that means. How much are the boxes of cookies? Which flavors do we have? How do we handle sales, money and marketing? To begin, each girl was given a sheet of paper to write down their cookie selling goal. Dakota's goal is to sell 250 boxes this year. (We're at 229 for pre-sales alone, so I'm feeling pretty confident she'll meet her goal.) Then, the junior girls went to add up our sales goals while the daisy's split up at the tables.

The first thing the girls did was grab a couple cookie samples to determine which one's they did or didn't like and then, as they ate, they participated in a vote. They voted on things like what to spend their cookie booth money on, how to decorate their booth and which organization they'd like to donate money/things to. I was impressed with the girls because they were very thoughtful about their choices and didn't want to only choose one group to give money and instead voted to donate to a couple. I love how compassionate they are.

After the girls voted, the Junior girls went to tally the votes while the Daisy girls went to work mock cookie booths. Since we're such a large troop there were two booths set up. Each girl was given a job of either selling, purchasing or restocking the cookies. They had a BLAST! The boxes you see aren't real, by the way. No, they are pieces of wood cut to the same size that were then painted and mod-podged with cookie box print outs. They looked like the real deal!

We ended the meeting with the juniors telling us that as a group, our sales goal was in the 4000 boxes area...we had one girl write 1000 as her goal! Haha! Pretty sure we won't do THAT well, but I'm sure they'll all do their best to sell what they can. Before leaving the girls did the friendship circle squeeze and got their Talk It Up patch that they earned doing all of the evenings activities. 

It was a great first meeting and the girls were all very happy to be back. Dakota and I are both looking forward to another fun (busy) year!


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