Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunsets at Sea

Gorgeous Sunset 2009

The sunsets you see out on the ocean are like no other. I think it’s the way the water shimmers and how huge and colorful the sun appears without any obstruction. We rushed up from dinner to get photo’s and they did not disappoint!

Mom and Dad 2009LaTisha, Lorenzo and Jaron 2009 Tish and Lorenzo 2009 Tony and I 2009   Tony, Zoe, Landon and I 2009 Tony and I being romantic! 2009 Gorgeous sunset 2009


Amanda said...

What gorgeous photos! Looks like a nice cruise.

Carmen O. said...

Fabulous photos!

April Fools Pranks

The two little kids made me laugh yesterday morning.  I was upstairs getting things ready for school when I heard them talking about how ...