Sunday, August 7, 2011



I’m really going to try to get back into blogging mode, but for the past couple of weeks, I just haven’t been in the mood. There really isn’t any particular reason I haven’t been writing other than I suppose it was just time for a break. Life has been busy as usual but I have a few things I need to get blogged so over the next couple of days I hope to at least achieve that.

As you see, I have been doing a little scrapping and I finished this page. I can’t even believe that’s my Harper in those pictures! He’s going to be one in a few days and it just about breaks my heart thinking about it. I’m so proud of the little squirt and he’s just as sweet as ever. I love those pictures of us all holding him when he was so tiny. We just about had a few fights over who got to hold him next, and I was just thankful that I was his Mama because I knew he’d make his way back to me no matter what! I love that my two bigger babies were so loving with him and showed him so much tender care while he needed it.

More tomorrow…

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