Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Oil Pastel Penguins

Since we were stuck inside for most of the day I had to keep the kids busy just to stay sane. We spent a lot of time at the kitchen table making things with paper, or in Harper's case, writing lists of Minecraft things. He likes to do that every once in awhile; just sit and write any and all things he can think of about a specific topic or subject; today was Minecraft characters. I'm not sure they're all actually a part of the game or if he's made some up, but it doesn't really matter.

While Harper was making his list, Dakota cut, taped, stapled and glued to her hearts content. She ended up making a really cute snowman, Rudolph the red nose reindeer and a few other things. Unfortunately I forgot to get pictures of her other art. Oops. 

It was pretty much lunch time when they finished at the table. We had lunch and then they got to play Minecraft for a little bit. Once they were done with their game I brought out some oil pastels and canvas I had in the basement and we all did our best at making penguins.

This one is Harper's:

This is Dakota's:

And, this one is mine:

When we were done with our art, Harper and I played a little Just Dance 2017 while Dakota played with the perler beads. I didn't feel like working out on the elliptical again today so I wanted to get as many calories burned as possible dancing around the living room! We danced for about 45 minutes and I got a little over 300 calories burned! Not bad for playing a fun game!

It looks like they'll be back at school tomorrow and I'll be cleaning the house and hitting the gym for some Zumba! 

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