Sunday, March 25, 2018

Back/Shoulder Pain & Kite Flying

So, back on February 19th I forgot that my Zumba class was at 11 am instead of 9:45 am but didn't realize it until I as already at the gym. Since I was already there I decided to try the Yoga class and just do Zumba afterwards. When I got home I noticed that my back/shoulder felt a little sore but didn't pay much attention to it. I kept up my workout routines and while my pain was noticeable it seemed to come and go and I could deal with it.

Fast forward to March 12th when I just couldn't handle the pain anymore and finally went to see my doctor. She examined my back, shoulders and neck and told me she felt that I'd just overdone it while working out and pulled a muscle. She told me to work out at about 50% (which I did) instead of the 100% I typically gave and also prescribed a muscle relaxer so I could get some sleep. From the get go I felt that the relaxer didn't do much but I figured it was just going to take some time for this muscle to heal. There were a couple of days last week where my pain felt much better and I thought things were going well but then we got that snow storm and I helped shovel and I've been miserable since. I've been waking up numerous times at night with a throbbing pain in my back and shoulder and it's near impossible to sleep through. There isn't a single position that is comfortable to sleep in and I'm tossing and turning all night long. I've been taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen alternately as well as the muscle relaxer at night and NOTHING seems to help. At all. My mom suggested I go to the mall and have a massage so I figured it couldn't hurt and did that on Friday afternoon. It was terribly painful but I thought maybe it would end up helping in the end so I didn't complain and just suffered through it. (Probably not the right thing to do but I'm desperate.) In the end, the massage didn't help and I can't imagine sitting through that again.

I suppose I'll be back at the doctor's office tomorrow. I've spent this entire weekend in a stupid amount of pain and am dreading bed time when I'll just toss and turn all night. Tony has really been helpful this weekend keeping the kids busy and helping me manage my pain but I just can't keep this up. While I took a very short nap yesterday he took the kids out to nearby playground. He took a few videos and it looked like the kids really enjoyed their trip to the playground and kite flying.

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