Thursday, June 19, 2008

10 Pins and 3 Kooks!


Since the weather here is still being so temperamental and is somewhat cool ( not warm enough for the pool!) we went bowling instead. Bowling sure has gotten expensive! I remember bowling on the weekend with my friends and it was about $1.00 a game. Today, it is $3.75 a game plus $2 something for shoes, per person! We did have a good time though, and we were all ready to quit after 2 games. (Landon was happy to be done after just one game!) Jaron beat us all the first game (117) and he and I tied the second (104). Landon and Zoe were close behind both games though and we all had a pretty good time...which is all that really counts in the end any ways!

IMG_0497 IMG_0502   IMG_0508


Me said...

We went bowling yesterday too! My 4 year old got his first spare and my 8 year old got his first strite followed up by a strike. It was awesome!

Autumn said...

I love taking my kids bowling! We have such a blast.

I ADORE the top pic of the kids wearing silly faces!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT picture!

Helena said...

Cool pics!!!

April Fools Pranks

The two little kids made me laugh yesterday morning.  I was upstairs getting things ready for school when I heard them talking about how ...