Thursday, May 14, 2009

2nd Grade Field Trip

IMG_4599 This past Monday and Tuesday Landon and Tony went with the elementary school to Arlington Echo. It is a school sponsored, over-night field trip to learn about all things “nature”. They did tons of activities such as hiking, riding out in a canoe, learning about bay grasses, animals native to our area and they even had smores in the evening while singing campfire songs. It was the ultimate camp experience and they had a great time.

The cabins they slept in were ok, but Tony said the beds were very uncomfortable…Landon didn’t seem to mind! He was just excited to be having a sleepover with several of his friends! The first night they were there Landon was chosen to be a “hopper” for dinner and he was really looking forward to that! (Hoppers serve dinner to their table as well as help in the clean-up chores after meals.)

The camp is very environmentally geared (obviously), so much so that they weigh all of their trash after meals! They try to enforce only taking what you are really going to eat/drink so that there isn’t any waste products. They even taught the kids a little bit about composting! It really is a terrific opportunity for these kids to learn about nature and our environment and have a ton of fun while doing so! Here are a few pictures!

IMG_4496 Learning about animals around us.

IMG_4526Storytelling with the librarian. They were captivated!


Zoe and I met up with them in the evening for the night hike…Zoe was our human flashlight!

IMG_4560  Landon in his waders, I love this picture!

1 comment:

Carmen O. said...

Wow looks like a great time and educational too. Sleepovers are so fun especially at that age. Glad to see Landon enjoyed himself!

April Fools Pranks

The two little kids made me laugh yesterday morning.  I was upstairs getting things ready for school when I heard them talking about how ...