Friday, July 24, 2015

Harper Meets the Dentist

Harper had his very first dentist appointment this week. 

I did my best to explain what would happen and he didn't seem phased about any of it. He was such a big boy and jumped right in the chair and did exactly as they asked him to.

The assistant showed him each of the dentist's tools and did her best to keep him informed about what they were doing. (He didn't see the hygienist this time, just the dentist.) The only time he showed any emotion was when they used the suction. It's kind of loud and he wasn't prepared for the noise, so he jumped. The next time she went to use it he told her he was a little scared and she told him she just wouldn't use it, and he was just fine.

When he was finished they gave him a new toothbrush and a special coin for the bouncy ball machine they keep hidden. It's funny to think Zoe and Landon used to look forward to getting those coins! Because Dakota did such a great job she also got a toothbrush and a bouncy ball. I was really surprised that we were able to get through the whole appointment without tears from anyone!

Oh, and Harper's teeth are in great condition except the dentist did inform me that he grinds his teeth. He said it was very typical of kids his age and we'd just have to keep an eye on it when he got his adult teeth.

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