Monday, July 20, 2015

Sleeping In Her Soup

We've been REALLY busy this summer. So busy, in fact, that Dakota has been falling asleep in the craziest ways/places.

At Landon's birthday dinner, she fell asleep hanging off the bench at dinner. She ate a little bit, but then hopped down under the table. She does stuff like that all the time, but I was surprised when I looked down a few seconds later and she was fast asleep on the bench between Tony and I! Poor thing kept slipping when her knees would give out but when we tried to help her lay down on the bench she had a fit! So, we put her back like she was and she napped there until we left! Crazy kid!

Then, this past week, we'd been out running around all morning and when she sat down for lunch, she just about passed out in her soup.

I can't help but laugh when she gets upset at the end of the video. I turned my phone off right before she threw her spoon across the table! She was just miserable, poor thing.

I can't get over how big she looks in that picture! My baby sure is growing up and I wonder if it's part of the reason she's so tired. She hasn't napped in the longest time and now she needs one at least a few times a week; I guess summer will do that to a girl.

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