Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Perfect Gifts

I'm here real quick this morning to share the cute Mother's Day gifts I received on Sunday. My kids gave me some real treasures this year...

  • Zoe bought us tickets for a "Plant Nite". She asked me not to look it up, so I haven't, but she said it's like a Paint Nite only we get to make a terrarium! I'm sooo excited! I don't know what that says about me, but I am really looking forward to spending the time with her making something awesome! She knows me so well! 

  • Landon's gift came via the mail, yesterday. Apparently the first time they ordered it, it didn't go through so they reordered and I got it yesterday afternoon, which is why I've waited to write about my gifts until now. :) He ordered me a cute little wind chime:

It's quite small and he seemed disappointed with it's size, but it's really nice! I plan to hang it in my gazebo where it won't be subject to all the crappy weather. I think it'll look really nice in there.

  • Harper couldn't wait to give me the gift he made at school. He was awesome and wouldn't tell me what he'd been up to no matter how much I pestered him! 

He was so proud of his work! The pot of fingerprint flowers is adorable and I'm so happy he knows how much I love him!

  • Dakota's Mother's Day gift was perfect too. She drew a picture of me on a ceramic plate and answered a few questions about me...I love what she said although I think some of her choices were her favorites, not mine! :)

I'll be sure to post about "plant nite" once it's over...

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April Fools Pranks

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