Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Class Reindeer's and A Sweet Letter

Harper brought this really cute book home from school and I just need to share it here before I forget. His entire class filled out a page identical to this and the teacher photo copied everyone's page to create a class book that they could bring home. I thought his drawing was super cute! I love those antlers and bright yellow (happy)  nose!

It reads: 

Let me tell you about my pet reindeer! 

Name: Harper

  • My reindeer's name is Chaklet (Chocolate)
  • I found my pet at the North Pole.
  • I keep my reindeer in the basement.
  • My reindeer especially likes to eat and play
  • My reindeer does not like to sit down and go inside.
  • My pet's favorite food is carets. (carrots)
  • I take care of my reindeer by giving him food every day.
  • The most special thing about my reindeer is that he has a yellow nose when he is happy and a blue nose when he's sad!

He also had written this letter and it is just the sweetest thing! Kids are so freaking sweet sometimes!

Dear Dakota, thank you for how you light up my life by playing with me. You are the best ever. I love you. 

Dear Mom, I love you so much. You are so funny sometimes or maybe I make you laugh a lot. 


Dear Dad, I love you xxxx0000 I know I don't see you a lot but when I do I have a lot of fun.


Dear Landon

Love Harper

Dakota LIGHTS UP HIS LIFE! Hello! That is the sweetest thing ever! I mean, COME ON!

I am funny or maybe he makes me laugh...I think it's a bit of both. We can be pretty silly!

He doesn't see his dad much but when he does he has fun? I have no idea what the hell this means but it cracks me up!

Dear Landon....

I asked him why he didn't finish Landon's and he said he ran out of time. I asked him if he'd finish it at home and he flat out refused! He was like nope, that's school work and I ran out of time and I ain't about to make time now when I got better things to do. 

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